Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nobody Is Innocent

Innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, right?  This is how law works in this country, everyone is deemed innocent first.  What a stupid concept.  Everything is reported these days, from people who are not fact checkers, but are instead, chronic gossipers, people spreading rumors like sprinkled sugar and we eat it up.

The people of this country will decide who is innocent or guilty, and the court of law can do nothing about it.  If someone in your community is suspected of being involved in a rape investigation, even if they are completely innocent, they will be judged guilty if a finger is pointed in their direction as a possible subject.

Everyone jumps to conclusions, and if you don't particularly like someone to begin with it will be much easier to judge them as guilty before you even hear any evidence. Who out there has been the perfect person and never made a mistake or been bad?  Anyone, ever?  No, yet we are so eager to point the finger and accuse others when we ourselves do not have the right to do so.

By the same token, a man is caught on camera robbing a bank, the people in the bank recognize him as the robber, the police catch him in the bank red handed and in the act of a criminal activity, they get him out of the bank and into the police car and they call him a suspect. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. No court, no jury, do not pass go and go directly to jail, that is what should happen in that case. There is no doubt in anyone's mind, that this guy is guilty.
When proof is needed however, we have to very careful who we single out as a suspect while pointing possible fingers. Simply being suspected of a crime will force you to move to a different country after your peers have judged you.  Being accused of being a pedophile I think is probably the worst thing that could happen to you, even if you are innocent.  Nobody will talk to a suspected baby raper, you will lose your job, friends, and possibly the community will band together to bring you and your family harm.  Even if you have done nothing to deserve it.

That is what this world has come to, the over inflated false claims of media and untrue tales from gossipers who want attention. Be careful who you point a finger at, because one day it could be you who is accused, and to the whole world around you, Nobody Is Innocent.

Scott Goerz